10 Labor Day Reads

My day off morning reads:

• One big reason for stagnant wages and rising inequality (CBS News)
• The top 10 reasons Brexit isn’t working, according to Brexiteers (New Statesman)
• Speed Bumps Are the Hot New Thing for Exchanges (Bloomberg View)
• Why Electric Cars Will Be Here Sooner Than You Think (WSJ)
• The Fundamental Attribution Error, or Why Predicting Behavior is So Hard (Farnam Street)
• An MIT Scientist Claims That This Pill Is the Fountain of Youth (NY Mag)
• Donald Trump and the Mob (WSJ)
• What cities need to know about drones (TechCrunch)
• Want to Know How the Cops Actually Trace a Gun? (GQ)
• Jupiter’s North Pole Unlike Anything Encountered in Solar System (NASA)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Bill McBride, founder of the highly regarded economics blog Calculated Risk.  


Low Scale Wages are finally Improving wages broadening
Source: Deutsche Bank



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