10 Sunday Reads

My easy-like Sunday-morning reads:

• A Bored Investor Is a Dangerous Thing (MoneyBeat)
• ‘Valuation’ investors have got it all wrong on US stocks (FT)
• The Disgusting Breitbart Smear Campaign Against Hamdi Ulukaya, the Immigrant Owner of Chobani. By any measure, he is a wildly successful capitalist. So what did he do wrong, by alt-right standards? (He hires Muslim refugees). (Daily Beast)
• An unprecedented number of states will vote on marijuana this fall (Washington Post)
• What We Miss When We Judge a Decision by the Outcome (Harvard Business Review)
• Is Donald Trump Actually Trying to Win? (Daring Fireball) but see also To Trump, Even Losing Is Winning (NYT)
• ‘Exposure Is Bullshit’: Who Should Get Paid for Live Storytelling Events? (Longreads)
• Biofuels and the Law of Unintended Consequences (NeuroLogica)
• Mom, I’m Joey, Not Jennie! Why we call our nearest and dearest by the wrong name (Scientific American)
• The Chilcot Report: Bush ignored numerous warnings before invading Iraq (Newsweek) see also No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs (Vox)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Bill McBride, founder of the highly regarded economics blog Calculated Risk.  

U.S. Will Beat Major Counterparts at Rate Hike, Not Misery
Source: Bloomberg Briefs

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