10 Tuesday AM Reads

My two-fer-Tuesday morning train reads:

• The Dying Business of Picking Stocks (Wall Street Journal) see also Index Funds Are Taking Over The S&P 500 (Wall Street Journal)
• How Facebook News Feed Works (TechCrunch)
• Value Investing Got Crushed During the Internet Bubble…Here’s Why (Alpha Architect) see also Trickle-Down Venturenomics (Gadfly)
• There is no such thing as “free” vaccines: Why we rejected Pfizer’s donation offer of pneumonia vaccines. (Medium) see also Doctors Refused a Million Free Vaccines–to Make a Statement About the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Atlantic)
• The Simpsons by the Data: Analysis of 27 seasons of Simpsons data reveals the show’s most significant side characters, a pattern of patriarchy, declining TV ratings, and more (Todd W Schneider)

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