Vice Money

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Vice Money launched this past week, possibly lost in all of the Trump lewd tape noise; I like the way this is going:

“Think of VICE Money as your translator for the language of business and economics. We take the bloodless world of GDP growth, unemployment rates, and intentionally bewildering financial jargon and use it to talk about that things that actually matter: paychecks, jobs, inequality, living costs, debt, college, and politics. (Nothing is more political than money.)

A few disclosures: Reading VICE Money will not make you rich. (Further disclosure: You don’t get rich reading things on the internet.) VICE Money won’t pander to you. And VICE Money won’t pretend there’s some magic basket of mutual funds or one weird trick that will guarantee a Scrooge McDuck-style existence.

Instead, VICE Money will explain the facts and do our best to give you a bullshit-free guide to what you need to know — and what’s simply interesting — about the economy.”


Heh heh — that describes my personal philosophy pretty well as to what internet financial writing should be about. Worth checking out . . .

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