10 Monday AM Reads

And the winner for best morning reads goes to  . . . wait a moment . . . umm . . . there’s been a mistake . . .

• Warren Buffett, in Annual Letter, Offers Hymn to U.S. Economy (Dealbook) see also Proudly Permabullish (Reformed Broker)
• A brief guide to Kevin Hassett, Trump’s new chief economist (Vox)
• Mexico’s retaliation against Trump may be taking shape (Business Insider)
• The race for autonomous cars is over. Silicon Valley lost. (Autoblog)
• You’re a different person at 14 and 77, the longest-running personality study ever has found (Quartz)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Columbia University’s Jeffrey Sachs, author of numerous NYT bestsellers, most recently, Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable.

Continues here

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