Aldous Huxley on Technodictators

“If you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled” – Aldous Huxley

Interview by Mike Wallace on May 18, 1958, from the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin

“This is Aldous Huxley, a man haunted by a vision of hell on earth. Mr. Huxley wrote a Brave New World, a novel that predicted that some day the entire world would live under a frightful dictatorship. Today Mr. Huxley says that his fictional world of horror is probably just around the corner for all of us.” – Mike Wallace

In this remarkable interview, Huxley foretells a future when telegenic presidential hopefuls use television to rise to power, technology takes over, drugs grab hold, and frightful dictatorships rule us all.



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