10 Sunday Reads

My easy-like Sunday-morning reads:

• A Dozen Lessons on Growth (25iq)
• Some investors really are this stupid (Evidence Based Investor)
• Why Whole Foods is now struggling (Wonkblog)
• Retiree Benefits: Tale of 2 Cities (States) (Squared Away Blog)
• One Man’s Solution to the Fiduciary Conundrum: The SEC should implement a common fiduciary standard for delivering advice to individual investors (Barron’s)   
• Trump’s loose talk about Muslims gets weaponized in court against travel ban (Washington Post)
• Syria conflict: Thousands hanged at Saydnaya prison, Amnesty says (BBC) see also Syria’s Secret Mass Executions (The Atlantic)
• Here’s a New View of the Refugee Crisis: Photographer Richard Mosse uses a thermographic camera to create images without visible light or film. (Bloomberg)
• Most Undocumented Immigrants Live In Areas That Trump Lost (FiveThirtyEight) see also This Is Why You Hate Me (Medium)
• Lessons on Aging Well, From a 105-Year-Old Cyclist (Well)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Danny Kahneman, behavioral & cognitive psychologist, author of Thinking Fast & Slow, and winner of the 2002 Nobel prize for economics.


All these countries combined had the same number of homicides as Brazil

Source: Reddit


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