No Correlation Between Minimum Wage Increases and Employment Levels

From National Economic Law Project:

This pattern of increased job growth following minimum-wage increases holds true both for general labor-market indicators as well as those for industries heavily affected by minimum- wage increases:

  • In the 22 instances when the federal minimum wage went up, the change in total private employment after one year was positive 15 out of 22 times (68.2 percent).
  • In the 16 instances when the federal minimum wage was increased since 1964 (the earliest year for which this data is available), total hours worked increased 10 out of 16 times (62.5 percent).
  • In the leisure and hospitality sector, which includes restaurants, hotels, and amusement parks, employment rose one year after a minimum-wage increase 18 out of 22 times (81.8 percent).
  • In retail employment, positive changes occurred 72.7 percent of the time after an increase.

Source: National Economic Law Project

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