10 Weekend Reads

The weekend is here! Pour yourself a mug of Kicking Horse Coffee coffee, grab a seat by the pool, and get ready for our longer form weekend reads:

• What Trump’s Done—or Undone—for Business in 100 Days (Bloomberg) see also What Trump Has Done for (and to) Your Finances (Bloomberg)
• How Online Shopping Makes Suckers of Us All (The Atlantic)
• The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think (Politico)
• Just Say NO To Angel Investing (Financial Samurai)
• In House of Murdoch, Sons Set About an Elaborate Overhaul (New York Times)
• He robbed banks and went to prison. His time there put him on track for a new job: Georgetown law professor. (Washington Post)
• What Bullets Do To Bodies (Huffington Post)
• Is Justin Trudeau the Anti-Trump? Canada’s prime minister talks trade, milk, marijuana, housing bubbles, and Donald Trump. (Bloomberg Businessweek)
• Watch it while it lasts: our golden age of television (Financial Times)
• Oral history: Prince’s life, as told by the people who knew him best (Star Tribune)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Meir Statman, Santa Clara University Professor of Finance, and author of What Investors Really Want: Know What Drives Investor Behavior; his latest book is titled Finance for Normal People: How Investors and Markets Behave.



What ‘personal space’ looks like around the world

Source: Washington Post


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