10 Sunday AM Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• An expert in financial market history shares his advice for investing during turmoil: ‘Do less’ (CNBC) see also PRO Talks: Ritholtz’ Michael Batnick on successful long term investing (CNBC)
• Amazon owns a whole collection of secret brands (Quartz)
• Tesla Shows How Traditional Business Metrics Are Outdated (Harvard Business Review)
• The Biggest Common Investment Errors (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• Political Drama Is Hitting the Dollar Hard (Bloomberg)
• Big business wants you to think a tax cut for big business will stop outsourcing (Vox)
• How the U.S. Lost Its Mind (The Atlantic)
• Why President Bush’s North Korea Failure Is Important to Remember (Talking Points Memo)
• One FBI agent’s war on the deadly scam that took over Jamaica (Vice)
• Trump’s Legal Team Is No Match for Mueller’s (Bloomberg Businessweek)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Matt Wallaert, a behavioral scientist working and former director at Microsoft Ventures, who works at the intersection of technology and human behavior


Americans are using less electricity

Source: Recode

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