10 Friday AM Reads

My end of week morning train reads:

• Martin Shkreli’s $2 Million Wu-Tang Album Might Not Be a Wu-Tang Album: Was a man convicted of fraud misled about the most expensive record ever sold? (Bloomberg)
• The Second-Class Office Workers: For millions of Americans who work as contractors, real careers are out of reach and each day brings reminders that they live in a different world than the employees sitting nearby. (Wall Street Journal)
• Steve Jobs’ legacy & new Apple (Om)
• The Ultimate Guide to Making Smart Decisions (Farnam Street)
• Rich People From These Nations Hide the Most Offshore Wealth (Bloomberg) see also U.S. middle-class incomes reached highest-ever level in 2016, Census Bureau says (Washington Post)
• Nobody Knows What LaCroix “Essence” Is, Nobody Seems To Care (Consumerist)
• The great nutrient collapse: The atmosphere is literally changing the food we eat, for the worse. And almost nobody is paying attention (Politico)
• Now is EXACTLY when we should be talking about climate change (Syfy Wire)
• It Might Finally Be Time to Buy an Apple Watch (Slate) see also The Lessons and Questions of the iPhone X and the iPhone 8 (Stratechery)
• The Game-Changing Cars and Concepts at the Frankfurt Motor Show (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Victor Niederhoffer, famed trader for George Soros and author of Education of a Speculator.


Grading the Workday

Source: Wall Street Journal


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