10 Monday AM Reads

Have a croissant and an expresso with your morning train reads:

• Seriously, Equifax? What is the penalty for gross incompetency on a corporate-wide scale? This Is a Breach No One Should Get Away With (New York Times) see also Equifax Lobbied To Kill Rule Protecting Victims Of Data Breaches (IB Times)
• The Four Fundamental Skills of All Investing (Collaborative Fund)
• Issuing new loans against unrealised capital gains has created an Australian ‘house of cards’ (news.com.au)
• Three Dangerous Words for an Investor to Buy Into: Inflation Is Dead (Wall Street Journal)
• Jeff Bezos Mandates Programming Shift at Amazon Studios (Variety) see also Dear Amazon, We Picked Your New Headquarters for You (The Upshot)
• Jamie Dimon ventures beyond Wall Street to have a say in Washington (Reuters)
• How Airports Became the Marble-Floored Temples of Our National, Fear-Fueled Psychosis (Slate)
• BMW Revives Electric-Car Push With Plans for Low-Slung ‘i’ Sedan (Bloomberg)
• The US has spent $2 billion on the reckless hope teens won’t have sex (Quartz)
• The Wall Street Journal’s Trump problem: Its losing staffers as management pressures reporters to “normalize” Trump   (The Guardian) see also A Fake-News Warning From a Former Propagandist (Bloomberg View)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Katie Stockton, chief technical strategist for BTIG.


Fixed Income Weekly – 9/6/17

Source: Bespoke Investment Group


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