MiB: Ranji Nagaswami

Ranji Nagaswami is Chief Executive Officer of Hirtle Callaghan, a firm that helped to popularize the idea of he outsourced CIO. Previously, she was Co-Head of U.S. Fixed Income at UBS Asset Management; She also was Chief Investment Officer of Alliance Bernstein Investments, the group’s retail/mutual fund division. From 2010 through to 2012, Ranji served as Investment Advisor to the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City of New York for the City’s pension/retirement systems.

She discusses the agnostic approach to investing, considering everything from passive management on end of the spectrum to alternative investments like private equity and venture capital on the other, with everything in between up for consideration.

Nagaswami, who has 5 women on her executive team, explains why is it is important for women to be included at the head of the table at investment firms. She notes that extensive academic research shows that women are less emotional when it comes to portfolio management, that they make better decisions and have better performance.

A prolific reader, some of Nagaswami’s favorite books are referenced here.

You can stream/download the full conversation, including the podcast extras, on BloombergiTunesOvercast, and Soundcloud.

Our earlier podcasts can all be found on iTunesSoundcloudOvercast and Bloomberg.




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