10 Friday AM Reads

My 20% tax rate morning train reads:

• Of Free Brains and Effortless Money (safalniveshak)
• Enviros and Developers: A Love Story (Grist)
• One Bitcoin Transaction Now Uses as Much Energy as Your House in a Week: Bitcoin’s surge in price has sent its electricity consumption soaring (Motherboard)
• Learning To Spot Fake News: Start With A Gut Check (NPR)
• These are some tweets and Facebook ads Russia used to try and influence the 2016 presidential election (Recode) see also These Are the Russia Ads That Social Media Companies Are Getting Blasted For (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with John Montgomery, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Bridgeway Capital Management, which manages $8.4 billion dollars, which uniquely donates 50% of its profits to non-profit organizations.

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