10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Cryptocurrency Mania Fuels Hype and Fear at Venture Firms (Wired) see also Bitcoin: The World’s Most Dramatic Bubble Ever? (Wall Street Journal)
• The Costs of Being a Millennial Adapting to the new economy has made young people drastically more worried and dissatisfied than their parents’ generation (New Republic)
• Does Success Come Mostly from Talent, Hard Work–or Luck? (Scientific American)
• A Former LTCM Partner Embraces Indexing, and Says You Should Too (Wall Street Journal)
• How China and Environmentalists Became Unlikely Bedfellows (Bloomberg) see also How Trump White House Wound Up Releasing Dire Climate Report (Bloomberg)
• “I’m Embarrassed for Him”: A Requiem for Gary Cohn’s Soul (Vanity Fair)
• Apple at Its Best (Stratechery)
• How to win like (Bill) Clinton (Washington Post)
• More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows (Scientific American)
• A Hedge Fund Pioneer Is Making Some of the Best Goat Cheese in America (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jean Case, CEO of the Case Foundation and former executive at America Online (her husband is Steve Case, founder of AOL). She is also chairman of the National Geographic Society Board of Trustees.


When iWatch Surpassed iPod

Source: Asymco


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