10 Wednesday AM Reads

My mid-week morning train reads:

• 2017 Asset Management & Servicing Winners in fixed-income, hedge funds, and more. (CIO)
• Profiting From Investors’ Mistakes (Barron’s)
• Latticework of Mental Models: Domain Dependence (Safal Niveshak)
• Visualizing the Net Worth of Americans by Age (Four Pillar Freedom)
• There’s never been a better time to buy a $50 million Manhattan dream pad (Quartzsee also Strong demand on LI for $1M-plus condos (Newsday)
• The iPhone X. (Daring Fireball)
• Google’s Year in Search (Google Trends)
• 2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election interference is a ‘made-up story’ (PolitiFact)
• Why ‘The Last Jedi’ Teaches Us That the Battleship Is Truly Dead (National Interest)
• Mike Huckabee Says Trump Is Like Churchill. Historians Disagree. (NYTimes) see also Internet rains hell on Mike Huckabee. (Raw Story)

What are you reading?

Estimates suggest Brexit is already costing 340m a week

Source: Financial Times


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