10 New Year’s Day Reads

My that was fun morning reads:

• Explaining the Year Ahead (Bloomberg QuickTake)
• Killing the state and local tax deduction may be unconstitutional. Here’s why (Los Angeles Times)
• How to Rebuild Puerto Rico (Bloomberg Businessweek)
• Why Are Mutual Fund Fees So High? This Billionaire Knows (New York Times)
• Jim Grant’s Botched Bridgewater Takedown (Institutional Investor) see also The Case Against Bridgewater Isn’t Proven (Bloomberg View)
• Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options (Washington Post)
• Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2018 (Wall Street Journal)
• Trump’s ‘New York Times’ Interview Is a Portrait of a Man in Cognitive Decline  (Esquire)
• Republicans control Washington. Progressives are trying to reclaim the rest of America. (Vox)
• The Most Expensive Mile of Subway Track on Earth (New York Times)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Anil Dash, CEO of Fog Creek Software, and incubator of startups Trello, Stack Overflow, and Glitch. Dash was an advisor to the Obama White House’s Office of Digital Strategy.


Inequality is a threat to our democracies

Source: Financial Times


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