10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• Want to Be a High-Frequency Trader? Here’s Your Chance (Wall Street Journal)
• How The Financial Product Distribution Industry Beat DoL Fiduciary (Kitces)
• The Business of Business TV (L2)
• A new economy has arisen in the suburbs of Houston battered by storms: the buying and selling of flooded homes. (New York Times)
• The Inside Story Behind Pebble’s Demise (Wired)
• Science can tell how close your friends are (MIT Technology Review)
• You want to quit Facebook, but will you really click the button? These folks tried. (Washington Post) see also Before You #DeleteFacebook, Try Taking Control (Bloomberg View)
• What I figured out about America’s future from visiting Trump resorts throughout the world (Washington Post)
• No Need To Fear Universe Ending In ‘Collision With Bubble Of Nothingness’ (Science 2.0)
• A McLaren That’s Comfortable and Convenient? (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Kathleen Fisher, head of wealth and investment strategies for AllianceBernstein. She leads the team responsible for developing and communicating asset allocation advice and investment strategies for high-net-worth clients.


How Viral Fake Election News Stories Outperformed Real News On Facebook

Source: Buzzfeed


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