10 Friday AM Reads

My end of week morning train reads:

• Pundits Predicting Panic in Emerging Markets (Research Affiliates) see also People are worried about these economic warning signs. They can relax. For now. (Wonkblog)
• The Vanguard Group Rules (Morningstar) see also Jack Bogle on the Future of Asset Management (Bloomberg)
• In with the Out Crowd: Contrarians, Alone and Together (Hedgehog Review) see also The thought father: Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman on luck (Evening Standard)
• How the ‘Bad Boys of Brexit’ forged ties with Russia and the Trump campaign — and came under investigators’ scrutiny (Washington Post)
• Winners of the 2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest (The Atlantic)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Todd Harrison, founding partner and chief investment officer at the hedge fund CB1 Capital, which focuses on cannabinoid-based solutions and biopharmaceutical applications and therapies.

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