10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• The (Other) Problem with Active Management (Behavioural Investment)
• Summer Camp for the Ultra-Wealthy Teaches Kids How to Stay Rich (Bloomberg)
• A system under strain: Is US democracy showing real cracks? (CS Monitor)
• Target-Date Funds Aren’t the Retirement Bull’s-Eye (Bloomberg View)
• Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties (McClatchy)
• Silicon Valley has a problem with conservatives. But not the political kind. (Vox)
• The free speech panic: how the right concocted a crisis (The Guardian)
• An arboreal murder mystery: What is killing beech trees? (Washington Post)
• Yes, Russian Election Sabotage Helped Trump Win (Bloomberg View) see also Half Of U.S. Voters Say Russians Have Something On Trump (Quinnipiac Poll)
• A Beast for the Ages: Why do we love (and fear, and kill) polar bears with so much intensity? (Longreads)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Torsten Slok, chief international economist and managing director at Deutsche Bank. Slok’s economics team has been top-ranked by Institutional Investor in fixed income and equities for the past five years.


Bottle Shock: Treasury Challenges Tax Break for Wine Importers

Source: Wall Street Journal


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