10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• US Stocks Are Outperforming Everything – By A Wide Margin (Capital Spectator)
• The Nastiest Feud in Science: A Princeton geologist has endured decades of ridicule for arguing that the fifth extinction was caused not by an asteroid but by a series of colossal volcanic eruptions. But she’s reopened that debate (The Atlantic)
• Advice to Researchers: Admit What You Don’t Know (Bloomberg)
• A demand from Texas voters in the era of Trump: Compassion (Washington Post)
• Here’s Why The FBI And Mueller Are Investigating “Suspicious” Transactions By Russian Diplomats (Buzzfeed)
• Known Unknowns The elusive meaning of privacy in America (Harpers)
• Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change (New York Times)
• ‘He can’t get rid of any of this’: Trump’s wall of secrecy erodes amid growing legal  challenges (Washington Post) see also Trump Insiders Could Offer ‘Holy Grail’ of Long-Hidden Finances (Bloomberg)
• Why Nietzsche has once again become an inspiration to the far-right The philosopher was read by Mussolini, appropriated by the Nazis and now influences the alt-right. Is Friedrich Nietzsche doomed to be abused and misunderstood? (New Statesman)
• A Few Words about Fake Breasts (Granta)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Eldon Scott, president of UrbanSpace, a company specializing in creating artisan food halls and holiday gift venues. UrbanSpace was founded in 1972 in the U.K., and in New York in 1993. The firm is in the early stages of U.S expansion, looking at Chicago and the West Coast.


America’s Car Culture is Literally Shortening Your Life

Source: StreetsBlog USA


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