10 Mid-Term Election Day Reads

My election-day morning train reads:

• Did Scott Walker and Donald Trump Deal Away the Wisconsin Governor’s Race to Foxconn? (New Yorker) see also Governors & Mayors, America’s Biggest Suckers! (The Big Picture)
• Women donated 36% of the money in the midterms this year. That’s a huge deal. (Vice) see also Working-class people are underrepresented in politics. The problem isn’t voters. (Vox)
• Congress has a job — but has largely stopped doing it (Washington Post)
• Conservatives trust conservative media. Here’s why. (Columbia Journalism Review) see also Inside Trump’s New Fox Takeover (Vanity Fair)
• I Registered to Vote in Texas. It Was Complicated. (The Atlantic) see also Why Is It So Hard For Native Americans To Vote In This Utah County? (Buzzfeed)

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