10 MLK Day AM Reads

My Martin Luther King Day morning reads:

• Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has the Better Tax Argument (The Atlantic) see also Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is the Darling of the Left, Nightmare of the Right (Bloomberg Businessweek)
• Can Student Loan Debt Explain Low Homeownership Rates for Young Adults? (Federal Reserve)
• How Secrecy Fuels Facebook Paranoia (New York Times)
• China Built a Big, Beautiful Wall, Too. It Failed. (Bloomberg)
• How Wealthy Americans Like Jack Benny Avoided Paying a 70% Tax Rate (Wall Street Journal) see also The Lesson of Wealthy Americans’ Rich History of Dodging Super High Income Tax Rates (Slate)
• These are the biggest risks facing our world in 2019 (World Economic Forum)
• 400 free Ivy League university courses you can take online in 2019 (Quartz)
• Finer points of murder: the recent history of political assassination (Times Literary Supplement)
• Hope Trump Is a Russian Agent — the Alternative Is Too Awful (Wired)
• How the Slice Joint Made Pizza the Perfect New York City Food: More than 50 years of eight million people standing, folding and eating together.  (New York Times)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jack Bogle, founder and first CEO of the Vanguard Group, which manages $5.3 trillion dollars in client assets. Bogle passed away this week at the age of 89.


Coal Is the Junk Food of Global Energy

Source: Bloomberg



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