10 Monday AM Reads

My morning train reads:

• ‘If you took it all in in one day, it would kill you’: What Mueller’s investigation has already revealed. (Washington Post)
• Two’s Are Now Underestimated – The Mikan Drill for Stocks (Krueger & Catalano)
• How Often Is It a Stock-Picker’s Market? (Wealth of Common Sense)
• Tom Nally: Serving, Not Competing, With RIAs (Barron’s)
• Why you should rebuild your business as often as possible (Venture Beat)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Roger Ibbotson, founder and chairman of Ibbotson Associates, now a part of Morningstar. He is a Professor at the Yale School of Management, and Chairman/CIO of Zebra Capital Management, LLC, an equity investment and hedge fund manager. Previously he served as executive director of the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP).

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