10 Sunday Reads

My easy like Sunday morning reads:

• I’m an Ape, and I’m Also a Fish (Wired)
• Trump wants China to help him win. China wants nothing to do with him. (Washington Post)
• Record debt and inequality gap? It’s almost like 40 years of Republican tax cuts failed. (USA Today)
• Elizabeth Warren Vows to Remake Capitalism. Businesses Are Bracing. She has proposed sweeping changes to how business operates, but executives expect she would tack center (Wall Street Journal)
• Ronan Farrow Strikes Again: A New Book Targets NBC News and How Harvey Weinstein May Have Leveraged Matt Lauer (Hollywood Reporter)
• How The Women-Only Facebook Group Minbar-Shat Helped Overthrow The Sudanese Government (Elle)
• We investigated the Watergate scandal. We believe Trump should be impeached. (Washington Post)
• The Trolls Are Everywhere. Now What Are We Supposed to Do? (New York Times)
• Jennifer Lopez’s body We’ve been talking about Jennifer Lopez’s body for over 20 years. Here’s how Hustlers changes that conversation. (Vox)
• How does Simone Biles do what seems impossible? (ESPN)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Binyamin Appelbaum, lead business and economics writer on the New York Times editorial board. His latest book is “The Economists’ Hour: False Prophets, Free Markets and the Fracture of Society.”


What’s Behind Elizabeth Warren’s Rise In The Polls?

Source: FiveThirtyEight



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