10 Tuesday AM Reads

My Two-for-Tuesday morning train self-isolation reads:

• We are all Modern Monetarists now (Business Insider)
• Buying During a Crisis (Of Dollars and Data) see also Stock Market Meltdown’s Historic Velocity Bruises Investors (Wall Street Journal)
• Defining Information (Stratechery)
• The new coronavirus economy: A gigantic experiment reshaping how we work and live (Washington Post) but see Red and Blue America Aren’t Experiencing the Same Pandemic (The Atlantic)
• Flatten the Curve of Armchair Epidemiology (Medium)
• Groceries, Guns and News: What Sells in a Pandemic—and What Doesn’t (Wall Street Journal) see also A Boom Time for the Bean Industry: “I used to be the loneliest man at the farmer’s market.” (New York Times)
• Could a bunch of internet denizens give us more ventilators? (FT Alphaville)
• The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What’s Coming (Wired) see also Thank God the Doctor Is In (New York Times)
• 28 Indoor Activities for Kids (The Cut)
• US cities in coronavirus quarantine, seen from above – in pictures (The Guardian) see also One of the NYC Restaurant World’s Most Devastating Weeks, in Photos (Eater)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this week with David Dunning, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, where he focuses on the psychology underlying human misbelief. He is best known for the Dunning Kruger effect, his work on metacognition and why the unskilled are unaware of their lack of skills.


Recoveries from Collapse

Source: Bloomberg



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