10 Sunday Reads

A helpful collection of resources and information for your easy like Sunday morning reads (ugly stuff after the jump):

Staying Safe:

• 24 Hours at the Epicenter of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Doctors, nurses, a congressman, workers in deserted museums and theatres, men on early release from Rikers, and the newly unemployed strained to keep New York City, and themselves, going. (New Yorker)
• What if immunity to covid-19 doesn’t last? (MIT Technology Review)
• ‘Frostbite’ toes and other peculiar rashes may be signs of hidden coronavirus infection, especially in the young (Washington Post)
• We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics (The Guardian)

Aid and assistance:

• COVID Tests Are Free, Except When They’re Not (Kaiser Health News)
• Useful table of extended state tax filing deadlines  (Tax Foundation)
• Figuring Out Your Personal Finances Together (Wall Street Journal)

Staying Sane WFH:

• Signs You May Be Burning Out—and What to Do About It (Businessweek)
• “It Is Harrowing. It Is Daunting. It Is Overwhelming”: The Mental Toll of Coronavirus Is Crushing Medical Workers (Vanity Fair)
• Which epidemiologist do you believe? (UnHerd)
• Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Will coronavirus change our attitudes to death? Quite the opposite’ (The Guardian)

Vaccine & Treatment Updates:

• In Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine, an Oxford Group Leaps Ahead (New York Times)
• Some Countries Are Squashing the Coronavirus Curve. Vietnam Is One. (Wall Street Journal)
• Three potential coronavirus vaccines moving ahead in tests (Los Angeles Times)
• When will we get the Covid-19 vaccine? (UnHerd) see also How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take? (New York Times)
• UCSF team has discovered drugs that block coronavirus, paving way for ‘a better drug sooner’ (San Francisco Chronicle)
• The Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires Pushing a Manhattan Project for Covid-19 (Wall Street Journal)

Resolving the Crisis:

• Dogs are being trained to sniff out coronavirus cases (Washington Post)
• Could contact tracing bring the US out of lockdown? (Vox)
• LA Becomes The First Major City In The US To Offer Free Testing To Every Resident, Even Those With No Symptoms (LAist)
• Why America’s coronavirus testing problem is still so difficult to solve (Vox)
• No Testing, No Treatment, No Herd Immunity, No Easy Way Out (The Atlantic)
• Poop may tell us when the coronavirus lockdown will end (LA Times)
• We Cannot “Reopen” America: The source of the economic shock is not government orders. It’s the pandemic. (The Bulwark)
• Reopening Plans Across U.S. Are Creating Confusing Patchwork (New York Times)


• What will cities look like once the lockdown lifts? (King’s College London)
• Five Ways the U.S. Military Will Change After the Pandemic (War on the Rocks)
• Will Travel Change After Coronavirus? Here’s What Experts Have to Say (Travel & Leisure)
• The Office You Left Is Not Going to Be the Office You Return To (Bloomberg)
• One Rich N.Y. Hospital Got Warren Buffett’s Help. This One Got Duct Tape. (New York Times)
• Covid-19’s future: small outbreaks, monster wave, or ongoing crisis (Stat)
• What the Coronavirus Crisis Reveals About American Medicine (New Yorker)
• The Immunity of the Tech Giants: When the pandemic is over, we most certainly should fear the industry more than ever (New York Times)


Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jim Chanos, famed short seller and founder Kynikos Associates. Chanos helped to expose a number of financial frauds, most famously Enron, Baldwin-United, and Drexel Burnham.


U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests

Source: New York Times


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Avert your eyes! My Sunday morning look at incompetency, corruption and policy failures reads:

• Inside Donald Trump and Jared Kushner’s Two Months of Magical Thinking (Vanity Fair)
• What the Proponents of ‘Natural’ Herd Immunity: Don’t Say Try to reach it without a vaccine, and millions will die. (NYT)
• Covid Aid Scams and Dodgy Deals Could Have Been Avoided: Lack of federal leadership turns contracting for supplies into the Wild West. (Bloomberg)
• U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic (Washington Post) see also President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat (Washington Post)
• How Trump Gutted Obama’s Pandemic-Preparedness Systems (Vanity Fair).
• The Virus vs The Virus: A Trump Twitter Timeline (Medium)
• 260,000 Words, Full of Self-Praise, From Trump on the Virus (New York Times)
• How to turn Trump’s daily virus misinformation show into a vector for the truth (Press Watch)
• How Profit and Incompetence Delayed N95 Masks While People Died at the VA (ProPublica)
• No leadership and no plan: is Trump about to fail the US on coronavirus testing? (Guardian) see also Miscalculation at Every Level Left U.S. Unequipped to Fight Coronavirus (Wall Street Journal)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jim Chanos, famed short seller and founder Kynikos Associates. Chanos helped to expose a number of financial frauds, most famously Enron, Baldwin-United, and Drexel Burnham.


U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests

Source: New York Times


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