10 Sunday Reads

My helpful collection of resources and information for your easy like Sunday morning reads:

How to Stay Safe:

• Masks Could Help Stop Coronavirus. So Why Are They Still Controversial? (Wall Street Journal
• How the Virus Won: Invisible outbreaks sprang up everywhere. The United States ignored the warning signs. We analyzed travel patterns, hidden infections and genetic data to show how the epidemic spun out of control. (New York Times)

The Pandemic’s Worst-Case Scenario Is Unfolding in Brazil (Businessweek)
• How UV sanitizers work—and why you should invest in one for your phone, keys, and wallet (Fast Company)
• This science-backed face mask made by an MIT-founded fashion brand is the best we’ve found yet (Fast Company)
• Copper Won’t Save You From Coronavirus (New York Times)
• What’s Really Behind the Gender Gap in Covid-19 Deaths?  Globally, twice as many men than women may be dying of Covid-19. Look to social factors first, not biology  (New York Times)
• Coronavirus Hits the Developing World (Wall Street Journal)

Vaccine & Treatment Medical News:

Inside the Coronavirus (Scientific American)
• Why tech didn’t save us from covid-19 (MIT)

• The New Weapon in the Covid-19 War (Bloomberg)

• Study suggests 80% of Covid-19 cases in the US went undetected in March (CNN)
• Chinese Covid-19 Vaccines Cleared for Final Testing in UAE (Bloomberg)
• Can Covid Damage the Brain? (New York Times)
• What We Know—and Really Don’t Know—About the Future of COVID-19 Vaccines (Slate)
• Gilead is about to start trials of an inhaled version of Remdesivir (Gilead)
• How A Scientific Paper About A Promising COVID-19 Treatment Was Debunked (FiveThirtyEight

Aid and assistance:

• Majority Who Received Stimulus Payments Spending Most of It on Household Expenses (Census)
• Revisiting Relief Funds As Small Business Owners Still Struggle (Businessweek
• The Urgency of Returning to Full Employment (Wall Street Journal)

We suck at this: 

• America Is on the Road to Relapse Not Recovery (Bloomberg)
• The U.S. is falling behind its peers. Americans — if not their leaders — are starting to notice. (Washington Post)
• Coronavirus Cases Are Accelerating Across U.S.: Across U.S. The seven-day average of new infections in 33 states is higher than it has been in the past two weeks  (Wall Street Journal)
• E.U. Bars American Travelers as It Reopens Borders, Citing Failures on Virus (New York Times)
• Coronavirus Cases Hit Daily Records in Some U.S. States (Wall Street Journal)

• U.S. Breaks Record for Daily Coronavirus Cases (Bloomberg)
• Florida governor under fire over claims state is ‘cooking the books’ on Covid-19 (The Guardian)
Florida Governor Scoffs at Fresh Virus Tactics: ‘Like What?’ (Bloomberg)
• Some states break virus records as US caseload grows anew (AP News)
• CDC says COVID-19 cases in U.S. may be 10 times higher than reported (NBC News)
• Amid threats and political pushback, public health officials are leaving their posts (Washington Post)

• The CDC Lost Control Of The Coronavirus Pandemic. Then The Agency Disappeared. (Buzzfeed)
• Feds About To Bail On Supporting COVID Testing Sites In Texas And Other States (Talking Points Memo)
• Coronavirus cases rise in states with relaxed face mask policies (Philadelphia Inquirer)
• America Is Too Broken to Fight the Coronavirus: No other developed country is doing so badly. (New York Times)
• How Arizona ‘lost control of the epidemic’ (Washington Post)
• Trump Turns the U.S. Into a Pariah (The Atlantic)
• Republicans, Democrats Move Even Further Apart in Coronavirus Concerns (Pew Research Center)
• A Devastating New Stage of the Pandemic: The U.S. has seen more cases in the past week than in any week since the pandemic began. (The Atlantic)
• New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the pandemic (Washington Post)
• Trump plan to cut federal support for Covid-19 testing sites sparks alarm (The Guardian)
• As Virus Surges, Younger People Account for ‘Disturbing’ Number of Cases: People in their 20s, 30s and 40s account for a growing proportion of the cases in many places, raising fears that asymptomatic young people are helping to fuel the virus’s spread. (New York Times)


• How Hawaii Became a Rare Covid Success Story (Politico)
• Coronavirus has come to Trump country (Washington Post)
• The beer barometer: Open taps mean open economies (Axios)
• States Are Focused on Reopening. But What About Reclosing? (Slate)
• Florida Covid-19 Cases Rise Most Ever; Hospitalizations Jump (Bloomberg)
• New U.S. COVID-19 cases surge 25% last week; Arizona, Florida and Texas set records (Reuters)
• Covid-19 Gives Texas a Reality Check: The governor’s failure to recognize and confront the contagion has helped lead to crisis (Bloomberg)
• Bars, Strip Clubs and Churches: U.S. Virus Outbreaks Enter Unwieldy Phase (New York Times)
• Coronavirus cases rise in states with relaxed face mask policies (Philly Inquirer)
• U.S. Sets Record for Daily New Cases as Virus Surges in South and West (NYT)


• How the Coronavirus Recovery Is Changing Cities (Bloomberg)
• Ability to work from home: evidence from two surveys and implications for the labor market in the COVID-19 pandemic (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
• The return of sports anytime soon seems somewhere between unlikely and irresponsible (Washington Post)

• In Virus Hotspots, Businesses Sweat Return of Consumer Jitters  (Bloomberg)
• Get A Comfortable Chair: Permanent Work From Home Is Coming (NPR)

• Pricey Greens From Indoor Farms Are Thriving in the Covid Era (Bloomberg)
• Why government is the solution, not the problem, for a weary and worried post-pandemic world (Marketwatch)
• Paying Remote Workers to Relocate Gets a Pandemic-Era Boost (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Ron Carson, founder and CEO of Carson Group, which serves financial advisors and investors through its various businesses. Carson Wealth manages 12 billion dollars for clients.


Jane Goodall: We’re ‘finished’ if we don’t change after coronavirus

Source: World Economic Forum


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Avert your eyes! My Sunday morning look at incompetency, corruption and policy failures reads:

• Failure Is a Contagion: The blunders of the president and his ideological attorney general are destroying any illusion of control (The Atlantic)
• Lest We Forget the Horrors: A Catalog of Trump’s Worst Cruelties, Collusions, Corruptions, and Crimes: The Complete Listing (So Far): Atrocities 1-759 (McSweeney’s)
• Trump’s False Attacks on Voting by Mail Stir Broad Concern: The president’s assertions about widespread fraud have little or no basis in fact but are resonating with his supporters and give him the option of raising doubts about the legitimacy of the outcome. (New York Times) see also There Is No Evidence That Voting By Mail Gives One Party An Advantage (FiveThirtyEight)
• The Endless Call: Demands for racial equity and justice have always been part of the American story. While the images here span the past two weeks, the words paired with them span the past 100 years. (Washington Post)

• Trump Is Struggling to Run Against a White Guy (The Atlantic)
• “The Guy Is With the Devil”: The Rosemary’s Baby Theory of Attorney General Bill Barr (Vanity Fair) see also Trump and Barr Discard Law, Morality and Honor (Bloomberg)
• What Fiona Hill Learned in the White House (New Yorker)
• The Second Great Depression: At least four major factors are terrifying economists and weighing on the recovery. (The Atlantic)
• How to Build an Autocracy: The preconditions are present in the U.S. today. Here’s the playbook Donald Trump could use to set the country down a path toward illiberalism. (The Atlantic)
• White House Economists Warned in 2019 a Pandemic Could Devastate America (New York Times)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Ron Carson, founder and CEO of Carson Group, which serves financial advisors and investors through its various businesses. Carson Wealth manages 12 billion dollars for clients.


Jane Goodall: We’re ‘finished’ if we don’t change after coronavirus

Source: World Economic Forum


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