10 Friday AM Reads

Pre-July Fourth 3-day Weekend morning reads:

The ‘Rocket Ship’ Economic Recovery Is Crashing: Real-time data suggest a quick resurgence of business activity is leveling off nationally — and reversing in states like Arizona and Texas. (Upshot) See also Workers are getting laid off for a second time, as the virus’s surge puts reopenings on hold: Millions of workers are suffering from economic whiplash, thinking they were finally returning to work — only to be sent home again as cases spike (Washington Post)
Baby Bonds: What if a single, cheap, easy-to-administer, and race-neutral policy could help close the country’s chasmic racial wealth gap in less than a generation? (The Atlantic)
How the American Worker Got Fleeced: Over the years, bosses have held down wages, cut benefits, and stomped on employees’ rights. Covid-19 may change that. (Businessweek)
Expanding Medicaid Makes Financial Sense. Plus, Voters Love It. Politically, this is above all a reminder that Medicaid is very popular, and that even in conservative parts of the country, Americans are generally in favor of letting more people sign up for it. (Slate)
Venture capital and the issue of building things we need: Maybe the problem with venture capital isn’t so much what it does but how it acts. (FT Alphaville)
How Do You Repurpose a Mall? Amid a grim time for retail, with stores closing in shopping malls, how can these one-time consumer meccas be transformed to have any kind of a future? (CIO)
You Purged Racists From Your Website? Great, Now Get to Work: The Covid-19 infodemic taught social media giants like YouTube and Reddit the important lesson to control of the content on their sites. (Wired)
Facebook nears a tipping point when it comes to moderating hate speech: More than 100 major brands, from Unilever to Verizon, have pulled advertising from the platform after civil rights groups called for a boycott in the past week. Facebook’s efforts to address the controversy included the announcement of increased efforts to prevent voter suppression based on race and ethnicity and a potential audit of its moderation practices. (Vox)
How time vanishes: the more we study it, the more protean it seems: The more we understand about non-human minds, the more eccentric and sui generis our own time sense seems to be. (The Spectator)
‘Hamilton’ Arrives on Disney+: The Five Lyrics That Have Shaped the Culture: “Hamilton,” the musical about the triumphs and failings of the nation’s Founding Fathers, premieres in its most accessible form yet. A performance filmed live on Broadway in 2016 and featuring its original cast, including Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton, is set for release today. (Wall Street Journal)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this July Fourth holiday weekend with Robin King, Chief Executive Officer for the Navy SEAL Foundation, a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit organization that provides critical support and assistance to the Naval Special Warfare (NSW) community and its families.


Americans Want More, Not Less, Immigration for First Time

Source: Gallup


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