10 Sunday Reads


My helpful collection of resources and information for your easy like Sunday morning reads:

How to Stay Safe:

• Millions track the pandemic on Johns Hopkins’s dashboard. Those who built it say some miss the real story. (Washington Post)
• How severe is the pandemic where you live? (globalepidemics)
• What Is the Real Coronavirus Death Toll in Each State? (New York Times)
• As Coronavirus Cases Spike, Some GOP Lawmakers Back Masks and Tests (Wall Street Journal)
• Why Surviving the Virus Might Come Down to Which Hospital Admits You (New York Times)
• Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection to prevent person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis (The Lancet)
• How the World Missed Covid-19’s Silent Spread (New York Times)
• Rising Coronavirus Cases Put Fresh Strain on Mask Supplies (Wall Street Journal)
• New York Is Ending Its Lockdown. Am I Ready to End Mine? (Vogue)
• There are many ways in which state leaders can steer people toward safer behavior, bend their Covid-19 curves downward and strengthen their economies. It’s simply a matter of paying attention to how the coronavirus spreads (Bloomberg)

Vaccine & Treatment Medical News:

• Virus Shot From Pfizer, BioNtech Shows Promise in Early Test (Bloomberg)
• Moderna Covid-19 vaccine trial delayed, but July start still possible (Stat) see also Inside Moderna: The Covid Vaccine Front-Runner With No Track Record and an Unsparing CEO (Wall Street Journal)
• This coronavirus mutation has taken over the world. Scientists are trying to understand why. (Washington Post)
• Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows (Henry Ford Health System) But see Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19 (New England Journal of Medicine)
• The Fair Price for a Covid-19 Vaccine (Bloomberg)
• FDA to Require Proof Virus Vaccine Is Effective Before Approving Its Use (Wall Street Journal)
• Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus (Kaiser Health News)
• She Needed Lifesaving Medication, but the Only Hospital in Town Did Not Have It (ProPublica)
• What Coronavirus Researchers Can Learn From Economists (New York Times)

Aid, assistance & economics:

• How Robert F. Smith helped thousands of minority-owned small businesses secure urgent aid in Washington (Washington Post)
• The Coming Wave of Coronavirus Evictions Will Wipe Out Black Renters (Bloomberg)
• Laid Off and Worried About Money: What to Do Next? (Charles Schwab)

• Goldman Sachs says a national mask mandate could slash infections and save economy from a 5% hit (CNBC) see also National mask mandate could save 5 percent of GDP, economists say (Washington Post)
• Tips on Retiring During the Pandemic (Bloomberg)
• How to Get a Big Break on the Cost of College: Just Ask (Wall Street Journal)
• Buying Their First Home During Coronavirus (Wall Street Journal)
• Workers Strive to Make Their Careers Pandemic Proof (Wall Street Journal)
• Workers are getting laid off for a second time, as the virus’s surge puts re-openings on hold (Washington Post) see also Businesses Fire Rehired Workers Again After States Hit Pause (Bloomberg)
• Job Market Picture Clouded by Recent Boost in Covid-19 Cases (Wall Street Journal)
• Tips on Retiring During the Pandemic (Businessweek)

We suck at this:

• American Exceptionalism on the Virus (New York Times) see also Coronavirus Brings American Decline Out in the Open (Bloomberg)
• U.S. Daily Coronavirus-Case Count Crosses 50,000 (Wall Street Journal)
• Even In New York We’re Dropping the Ball (Talking Points Memo)
• World War C: The Covid-19 story, told in lies. (New York Times)
• Six months in, coronavirus failures outweigh successes (The Hill)
• L.A. County issues dire warning amid ‘alarming increases’ in coronavirus cases (Los Angeles Times)
• How to Get a Big Break on the Cost of College: Just Ask (Wall Street Journal)
• Revealed: Covid-19 outbreaks at meat-processing plants in US being kept quiet: Testing has found positive cases at North Carolina facilities, but officials refuse to release the information (The Guardian)
• Life, Liberty and Face Masks: Virus Preys on Divided America (Bloomberg)
• Do Americans Understand How Badly They’re Doing? (The Atlantic)
• Why Joe Biden’s instinctive caution makes real change possible (The Economist)
• More than 300 children in Texas day cares have caught COVID-19, and the numbers are rising (Click2Houston)
• How Success Against the Coronavirus Turned to Crisis in California (Wall Street Journal)
• How Texas Swaggered Into a Coronavirus Disaster (New York Times)
• NBA Says 5% of Players Tested for Coronavirus Have Covid-19 (Bloomberg)
• The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously (Washington Post)


• Masks Could Help Stop Coronavirus. So Why Are They Still Controversial? (Wall Street Journal)
• Tracking The Pandemic: Are Coronavirus Cases Rising Or Falling In Your State? (NPR)
• How the Covid-19 Surge Shifted to the South and West (Wall Street Journal)
• Texas Tried Reopening Offices Early. It Was Hard Even Before the Coronavirus Surge. (Wall Street Journal) see also How Texas Lost Control of the Virus (Bloomberg)
• Coronavirus Cases Are Peaking Again. Here’s How It’s Different This Time. (New York Times)
• Virus surges in U.S. South, West; Pence cancels campaign events (Reuters)

• Alarmed by Sunbelt Spike, N.Y. and N.J. Reconsider Pace of Reopening (New York Times)
• Myrtle Beach reopened to survive the summer. Now, it’s a coronavirus ‘petri dish.’ (Washington Post)

Life after pandemic:

• Semper Ficus: Who’s Keeping Abandoned Office Plants Alive? (New York Times)
• What Are Art Galleries For? Three artists on the future of the gallery system after Covid-19.  (The Nation)
• A Virus Walks Into a Bar… As communities open up, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the indoor bar scene is uniquely suited to transmission of Covid-19. (New York Times)
• Why This Restaurant Critic Isn’t Dining Out Right Now (Eater)
• Rising religiosity as a global response to COVID-19 fear (VoxEU)
• Is the Five-Day Office Week Over? (Upshot)
• Tech’s Embrace of Remote Work Sends San Francisco Rents Plunging (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this July Fourth holiday weekend with Robin King, Chief Executive Officer for the Navy SEAL Foundation, a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit organization that provides critical support and assistance to the Naval Special Warfare (NSW) community and its families.


Daily new confirmed cases of COVID-19

Source: Our World In Data


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Avert your eyes! My Sunday morning look at incompetency, corruption and policy failures reads:

This Is Trump’s Plague Now: The first coronavirus spike in late April can be blamed on the president’s negligence. The second spike in June is his own doing.  (The Atlantic)
Susan RiceWhy Does Trump Put Russia First? It’s exceedingly difficult to believe that no one told the president about the intelligence on Russian efforts to harm Americans in Afghanistan. (New York Times)
Our Complacent Commander in Chief: Trump’s failure to act on the news about Russian bounties sends a message to U.S. soldiers and our Afghan allies that nobody has their back. (The Atlantic)
Cheney takes on Trump: The move could position Liz Cheney to rise higher in leadership in a post-Trump GOP. (Politico)
Meet the Supporters Trump Has Lost: A significant majority of people who voted for him in 2016 are planning to do so again. What is different about those who’ve had a change of heart? (New York Times)
Russia bounty flap highlights intel breakdown under Trump: The dispute over the alleged payments to kill Americans is shining a harsh light on the president’s consumption of intelligence. (Politico)
Hundreds of George W. Bush administration officials to back Biden: Hundreds of officials who worked for former Republican President George W. Bush are set to endorse Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden, people involved in the effort said, the latest Republican-led group coming out to oppose the re-election of Donald Trumpa (Reuters)
Why the Mueller Investigation Failed: President Trump’s obstructions of justice were broader than those of Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, and the special counsel’s investigation proved it. How come the report didn’t say so? (New Yorker)
The Anti-Trump Movement Will Outlast Trump: The most important near-term question in American politics, obviously, is whether the anti-Trump coalition is powerful enough to evict him from office in November. Among the most important long-term questions in American politics, a bit less obviously, is the extent to which the anti-Trump coalition, which includes many conservatives joining people they once vigorously opposed, might continue redrawing ideological lines even after Trump is gone. (Politico)
The Republican Choice: How a party spent decades making itself white. It wasn’t always the case that the GOP looked to suppress the franchise, and with it minority-voter turnout (FiveThirtyEight)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this July Fourth holiday weekend with Robin King, Chief Executive Officer for the Navy SEAL Foundation, a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit organization that provides critical support and assistance to the Naval Special Warfare (NSW) community and its families.


Daily Confirmed Covid-19 Cases, Rolling 3-day Average

Source: Our World In Data


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