10 Monday AM Reads

My back to work morning train WFH reads:

Elon Musk Quietly Revealed a Brilliant Plan That Could Completely Change the Auto Industry: He has tried to position Tesla as a partner to legacy automakers, not a competitor. Musk’s recent statement takes it a step further. (Inc)
The collectors who spend thousands on rare Hot Wheels: Every year, Mattel sells nearly $1B worth of new toy cars to kids. But on the secondary market, adult collectors and dealers reign supreme. (The Hustle)
Behind the Vast Market Rally: A Tumbling Dollar: Investors are ramping up wagers on the falling currency, believing the surge in coronavirus cases will hamper U.S. business activity and drive even more government spending (Wall Street Journal)
One-Third of New York’s Small Businesses May Be Gone Forever: Small-business owners said they have exhausted federal and local assistance and see no end in sight after months of sharp revenue drops. Now, many are closing their shops and restaurants for good. (New York Times)
Remote Working Can’t Last Forever: After months of sheltering in place, companies are deciding whether and how to let employees back into their offices. For many, however, working from home may be permanent. (Barron’s)
How bicycles transformed our world: Coronavirus has sparked a two-wheeled transport boom in many parts of the globe. But this isn’t the first time bicycles have been the hottest machines on the market. (National Geographic)
Study: a universal basic income would grow the economy: Basic income, in which every American would be given a basic stipend from the government no strings attached, is a potential solution to widespread automation reducing demand for labor  (Vox)
One home, a lifetime of impact: In 1936 a widowed black woman bought a home and it changed her family’s financial worth for generations. Today homeownership rates of black people lag even further behind whites’ rates, affecting their ability to build wealth. (Washington Post)
Netflix’s ‘Most Popular’ List Is a Wasteland: The ranking reveals a sad reality: People are really bored right now, and that leaves a lot of room for mediocre content to flourish. (The Atlantic)
The nearby supernova no one saw: Sometime between early 1995 and 1996, a supernova went off in a very nearby galaxy. The weird thing is, nobody noticed. That’s… bizarre. How do you miss an entire exploding star? (Syfy Wire)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Simon Hallett, Co-CIO at Harding Loevner, which manages about $70 billion dollars. Hallett is also the owner of Plymouth Argyle Football Club, a League One team based in the city of Plymouth, Devon, England.


How Americans Used Their Stimulus Checks

Source: Statista


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