Chuck Trafton, EDLY ISA

Every now and again, I come across someone I want to interview but they aren’t quite the right fit for MiB. Either the firm is too new or the assets too small or some other issue comes up.

That was the case with Chuck Trafton, a fund manager for FlowPoint Capital near Boston who I met years ago through John Roque. Trafton has been actively involved in Income Share Agreements (ISAs) through Purdue University, and now runs Edly, a marketplace for ISAs.

Under normal circumstances, this would end being a panel discussion or a fireside chat at an event. But thanks to the pandemic, there are no normal circumstances — no conferences, no travel, no large gatherings.

So instead, we decided on a sponsored interview: Thanks to a generous donation made by  Trafton, we did this as if it were at a conference, only without the attached conference taking place. All proceeds and compensation received to conduct and post this interview are being donated to Long Island Cares (the food bank set up by Harry Chapin we have donated to before), and to The Greater Boston Food Bank, near where EDLY’s offices are. (see my full legal disclosures here)

I find the topic to be fascinating and hope you will also.

(note sound quality improves after the intro)



How Edly works

Edly Income Share Agreement (ISA) Marketplace presentation

Other sources:
The $1.5 Trillion Question: How to Fix Student-Loan Debt? (Freakonomics)

‘Grandfather of CDOs’ Trying to Do For Higher Education What He Did for Mortgages (WSJ)

Charles Trafton: ISA asset class is alternative to student debt (CNBC)

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