10 Sunday AM Reads

Avert your eyes! My Sunday morning look at incompetency, corruption and policy failures:

The Capitol Rioters Won: Although some Republican leaders deplored their violence, most have come to support the rioters’ claim that Trump’s defeat meant the election was inherently illegitimate. (The Atlantic)

Welcome to COVIDville, USA. The story of how a quiet mid-Michigan town came to be one of the country’s most intense hotspots in a deadly pandemic is a complicated one. It involves officials in the local, state, and federal governments, a local gadfly and his conspiracy-blogging brother, and the perverse incentives, and outright grift, currently ruling the American right. (The Bulwark)

• ‘They’re giving them away’ — Trump condo prices continue to fall across the U.S. The prices for some condos and hotel rooms available for purchase have dropped by one-third or more in 11 Trump-branded buildings over the past 15 years. (Marketwatch)

The Death of Hahnemann Hospital: When a private-equity firm bought a Philadelphia institution, the most vulnerable patients bore the cost. (New Yorker)

The World’s Northernmost Town Is Changing Dramatically Climate change is bringing tourism and tension to Longyearbyen on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard facebook June 1, 2021 (Scientific American)

The state of Ohio vs. a sex trafficked teenager The criminal justice system mishandled 15-year-old Alexis Martin’s case. Now she’s living with the consequences. (Washington Post)

What’s behind the anti-Semitism surge in the US Violent anti-Semitism spiked in America during the Israel-Hamas war. And we don’t know why. (Vox)

Russia Appears to Carry Out Hack Through System Used by U.S. Aid Agency Microsoft reported that it had detected the intrusion and that the same hackers behind the earlier SolarWinds attack were responsible. (New York Times)

What’s Happening In Arizona Is Not Really An Audit Or A Recount. It’s A Partisan Inquisition. “This is not motivated by any kind of serious worry that something went wrong, It seems to be prompted by political motivations because the earlier counts and checks didn’t produce the outcome that the legislators wanted.” (FiveThirtyEight)

Michael Flynn’s coup comments show how QAnon is evolving in the Biden era Some QAnon followers think a military coup like the one in Myanmar should also happen in the US. (Vox)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Harindra de Silva, of Wells Fargo Asset Management. He is a pioneer in low volatility and factor-based investing, and leads the Analytic Investors group, running quantitative strategies, and managing $20 billion in client assets.


The Vaccine Class Gap: The biggest vaccination gap isn’t based on race or partisanship. It’s based on class.

Source: New York Times


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