Friday Reading

A few quickies before I head home to stuff myself for the holidays. For those of you who are not Jewish,  I can briefly sum up pretty much every holiday we have thusly: They tried to kill us, we escaped, let’s eat.

Until then, here is some afternoon reading:

CNN Poll: U.S. still in a serious recession Poll says 86% of Americans believe the U.S. is still in a recession, while Fed chairman is more optimistic.   (CNN/Money)

Take This Monetary System, Please (Barron’s)

Is The Fed On The Side Of Investors? (AAO Weblog)

Real estate slump isn’t over, exec says (Union-Tribune) See also Wells Fargo’s Commercial Portfolio is a ticking time bomb

Ultimate Mean Reversion (Stockcharts)

Burglar Arrested After Checking Facebook During Robbery (Mashable)

L’Shanah Tovah

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