Tapping Your 401(k) ?

What’s the problem with 401(k)s? You.
There’s nothing wrong with 401(k)s, except the players involved Barry Ritholtz Washington Post March 9, 2014 This past...
What Do Investors Lie To Themselves About?
Pinocchio traders with fantastic returns are lying to themselves Barry Ritholtz, Washington Post, February 23 ...
Brokers Lose Own $2 Billion in Bad 401(k) Bank Bets
Wall Street employees, who dispense financial advice to individuals and companies, aren’t following a basic investing tenet with their...
A Wake-Up Call & Fee Disclosures for 401(k) Plans
A Wake-Up Call & Fee Disclosures for 401(k) Plans March 14, 2012 Michael D. McNiven, PhD > If you are a provider of services or...
401(k) Investors Pursue Greater Balance After Bear Markets

Make Your 401(k) Work Harder
Don’t let your 401(k) languish. That is the ‘radical” conclusion of the Employee Benefits Research Institute, a D.C....
60 Minutes: The 401k Fallout
Checked your 401k lately? The recent financial collapse has devastated this retirement resource. Older workers are hardest hit, as their...