Can Dividend Funds Leap Ahead?

A Dubious Lawyer’s Dubious Tax Claims Against Vanguard
The Dubious Tax Case Against Vanguard Rules to prevent offshore tax evasion don’t apply to the fund giant. Bloomberg, February 8,...
Junk Bond Funds Are Imploding. (This is a feature, not a bug).
In the bond market, you can get liquidity or safety or yield — but not all three at the same time. Sometimes, even two out of three...
Portfolio Managers vs. Portfolio Management
This morning’s must read comes from Ben Carlson, who coincidentally runs our institutional practice. In a longer analysis, Ben...
401Ks Should Not be Complicated or Expensive

RWM Announces Institutional Asset Management
Two years ago, we launched RWM. Our mission was to provide high quality wealth planning and asset management to our clients, be a force...
What Happens When A Star Fund Manager Leave?
How the mighty have fallen. Earlier this month, the once towering Total Return Fund of Pacific Investment Management Co. hit a milestone....