Mutual Fund Round Up

Lots of interesting Media coverage of mutual funds lately; Here are 4 worth reading:

WSJ: Latest Dividend-Fund Boom Could Be Boon for Investors

“A boom in the number of dividend-focused stock funds sounds about as cool as a combover craze, but so be it. A spate of fund launches with “ripped from the headlines” prescience smacks of the marketing gimmickry last seen during the tech-fund glut of the late 1990s. But a look at factors driving this dividend-fund boomlet shows why it’s a strategy that might make sense for many of us . . .”

CBS Marketwatch: 10 things funds aren’t telling you
Fund companies keep important details to themselves

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) — “It’s not just the U.S. military anymore. Mutual funds have their own “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. If fund shareholders don’t ask about their fund’s business practices, fund companies aren’t inclined to tell. The fund industry’s silence is raising voices among lawmakers and securities regulators. An influential congressional committee sent a bill to the full House last month that would compel fund companies to disclose information on such matters as expenses, trading costs and incentive deals with brokerages.” Four Things I Hate About Mutual Funds

“Not all mutual funds engage in lousy, self-serving behavior, but plenty do and investors need to know if their funds are among them. Now that everybody feels safe once again to open up their quarterly performance statements because the market is up, look closer to see how many of the 10 items your funds are guilty of.” Vanguard Goes the Sector Index Fund Route

“You just can’t have too much of a good thing. Not according to Vanguard, anyway.
The fund family that offered the first index funds to investors is now set to offer 11 more — plus another nine (count ’em) exchange-traded funds to boot. Both the funds and ETFs are expected to launch in the fall.”

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