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Is it any wonder why so many investors, economists and strategists are confused? Here’s a news round up:

Holiday sales forecasts turn chilly
Big Retailers Are Upbeat on Prospects for Holidays

U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest in Eight Months
September job news not encouraging

Building Intelligence to Fight Terrorism
We report, you get it wrong

White House Expects 2003 Budget Deficit to Be Below $400B
Federal Budget: Worse Than You Think

Quote(s) of the Day:
“Best change in rating today isn’t the Deutsche Bank and Piper Jaffray upgrades of Yahoo at the 52 week high after the 400% run in the stock in the last year and last night’s very solid quarter. I suppose they gleaned some epiphany from the non-surprising great quarter last night. The one that I like is Raymond James downgrade of Sonus to market perform after last night’s blow out quarter. The stock’s up nearly 300% since the analyst upgraded it. Rock on.” –Cody Willard, fund manager, C.L. Willard Capital

Here is the conclusion on which I base my facts. –Adlai Stevenson

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