Snow Job

Interesting observation’s about Bush’s 2nd Secretary of the Treasury:

“I don’t know how George W. goes about picking his secretaries of the Treasury, but I do know that he has come up with two duds in a row. The new one, John Snow, is even worse the first one, whose name I have already forgotten.

Here we have the secretary of the Treasury of the United States who is going to have to borrow a half-trillion dollars a year to cover this nation’s deficit, plus a whole lot more to refinance the enormous debt that’s outstanding, telling us he will be “frustrated and concerned if long-term interest rates do not rise.”

This is a guy who should be fired right away, before he does even greater harm to the standing of the United States as the financial powerhouse that the world looks to for economic leadership. This nation’s reputation has already suffered enough as a result of the growing fiasco of our occupation of Iraq . . . The world economy is volatile enough without a loose cannon at the U.S. Treasury.”

-Paul Erdman, “Snow job: Bush’s second Treasury chief also a dud 6:36 PM ET Oct. 22, 2003

See also
Snow faces peril in currency report

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  1. nyc99 commented on Oct 26

    Snow Job Is A Loose Cannon?

    Following the worst hiring slump in 20 years, talk of a job market improving at only a meager pace has started to sound downright sunny. Snow, the Treasury secretary, said that he expected the economy to add 200,000 jobs a…

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