Even More on CD Price Competition

On Saturday, I swung by Best Buy to see what was on sale. Call it market research.

The post Xmas sales continue, with a surprising number of new CDs priced at $9.99. I picked up Coldplay’s “Rush of Blood to the Head” (a 2002 release) for that price — I had never seen it on sale before. I had downloaded several songs, liked ’em, and went out and bought the disc — consistent with my belief that the crappy sounding MP3s work best as a modern equivalent of radio airplay.

I also grabbed a few DVDs — John Cusack’s “Hi-Fidelity,” and a James Taylor concert (119 minutes) . . . for the same $9.99!

Lastly, someone has been paying attention: Warp Records just put their entire catalogue up on their site as a fully downloadable collection of MP3s. Way cool, and very smart.

Warp Records
Best Buy

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