Tower Records Bankruptcy/Reorg


As previously mentioned, Tower files for bankruptcy.

Tower Records, parent seek Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Reuters, 02.09.04, 7:20 AM ET

Tower Files ‘Fast Track’ Plan To Conclude Fincl Restructuring With Overwhelming Creditor And Shareholder Support
Thomas Gryta
Dow Jones Newswires; February 9, 2004 9:44 a.m.,,BT_CO_20040209_001879,00.html

Tower Records Files Chapter 11
February 9, 2004, 8:45 AM EST,0,3829726.story?coll=ny-business-headlines

Tower Records parent files for Chapter 11
Monday, February 9, 2004 · Last updated 7:34 a.m. PT

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  1. rick commented on Apr 3

    tower needs to restore the valuable people they let go..mts himself needs to step aside and kevin cassidy run things..think about it..if tower is gone..where on earth will you buy cd’s?? i know as i worked for tower for 6 years..kevin cassidy rules!! mts is only in name as the inheritance..russ /stan really ruled!!

  2. Michael commented on Sep 16

    I also worked for Tower and I saw how they (Tower) treated their employees. I also saw how they ran the business. In my opinion it was just a matter of time for this to happen. Russ Soloman was Tower Records, his son is an idiot who likes to take his profits and snort them. I have seen this first hand. Also Kevin Cassidy really has no idea how to run a company, he is as bad as Michael Soloman. These two together make a great team, if you are trying to destroy a company.

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