10 Principles of Being Rich

K_10prin_1Ever come across an odd but interesting website, that you just don’t know what to do with? That was my experience with Fiscal Agents.com.

Since I started writing the Apprenticed Investor series, I’ve been researching various methodologies for planning simple planning strategies. Not the actual plan, mind you, but ways to get people to sit down and execute one. This strategy is as good as any other — if it forces you to do just that:


1. Focus on Time

2. Time as a Friend – as a Foe

3. The Frugal Investor

4. Setting Goals – Recognizing Values

5. Developing a Blueprint

6. The importance of Insurance

7. Building a Portfolio

8. Diversification and Asset Allocation

9. Monitoring / Buy and Hold

10.Estate Planning

Each of these titles is a chapter in a book, and is available on line for free here.


The Ten Principles Of Being Rich
Fiscal Agents.com


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