Special NYT Edition

For anyone interested in the economy, geopolitics, markets, investing, etc., today’s New York Times is one of the more interesting editions they have put out in I-don’t-know-how-long.

The most interesting article is here: "What’s Ahead: Blue Skies, or More Forecasts of Them?;" it discusses why economist’s optimistic projections are often off the mark. In case you hadn’t noticed, most economists do a poor job predicting slow downs or recessions.

The best graphic in the paper is a fabulous full pager titled Richer Than Ever, but Watch out for Missing Costs, by Dylan Loeb McClain. It reveals such pleasantries as a) Persistent Inequality, b) a 49% increase in Real Estate Assets and the 57% increase in mortgage obligations, and c) the signficant increases in corporate profits.

Have a look at the rest of the hit parade:

What’s Ahead: Blue Skies, or More Forecasts of Them?

In Today’s India, Status Comes With Four Wheels


With Oil Prices Off Their Peak, Are Supplies Assured?

Wow! I’m at Greenspan’s Desk

When Even Supply-Siders Say Taxes Must Rise, an Unpopular Policy Looks Inevitable

Indicators From Everyday Life


Watch This Leading Indicator

I’ll be sure to follow up on these in the coming days . . .

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  1. Idaho_Spud commented on Dec 5

    LOL. In addition to all commodities rising, interest rates resetting on everyone’s HELOC, and negative savings rates, now the supply siders say that they need to raise taxes!

    For the record, I’m no supply-sider. I believe that government should pay as they go. If they want to cut taxes that’s fine – but cut expenditures beforehand

    In any event, it looks like Joe sixpack is going to be squeezed from yet another direction. For a lot of folks, I suspect that ‘disposable income’ is soon going to be a negative number in the very near future.

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