About Time: NYT kills print stock tables in print edition

AlI can ask is "What took them so long?":

"Beginning April 4, The New York Times will stop publishing daily stock listings on Tuesdays through Saturdays and will offer a new package of interactive tools and market information on its Web site, the paper announced yesterday.

In announcing the change, The Times joins other newspapers that have cut stock listings to reduce newsprint costs as more readers monitor investments using the Internet.

The Times will replace the tables in the newspaper with two pages of market and economic information, including performance listings of the top 100 stocks in the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index, market analysis, mutual fund information, charts tracking individual company performance and lists of foreign currency exchange rates."

Other papers that have cut back on stock listings in print editions: The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday and The Orlando Sentinel.

Its looking more  and more like this new fangled internet thingie may catch on!



The Times to End Daily Stock Listings in April and Expand Data on Web Site
March 14, 2006

See also:
Was Death of Newspapers Greatly Exaggerated, or Is Verdict Still Out?
NYT March 14, 2006

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  1. Anonymous commented on Mar 14

    Now I’m just waiting for them to stop printing the news.

    Does anyone read the actual, physical paper any more? I’m an avid news reader and haven’t read a real paper in years. (Except at the doctors office)

    I definitely don’t miss all that nasty black ink on my fingers. On the other hand, I volunteer time at the local animal shelter and they sure use plenty of the stuff for you know what. In fact, a friend of mine recently received a free print subscription to the Wall Street Journal. He got tired of them piling up at his doorstep unread, so he forwarded the subscription straight to the animal shelter for “proper” disposal.

    I wonder what the owners, editors and advertisers would think of this?

  2. me commented on Mar 14

    I still read the paper. For me there is something about grabbing that paper in the morning, brewing up the coffee, sitting back in my reading chair and taking in the world slowly. No electronics, no RSS feeds, no connectivity. On some level I feel more human because of it.

  3. cm commented on Mar 14

    me: No BS here please. We know exactly where your “reading chair” is located. :-)

  4. Barry Ritholtz commented on Mar 14

    lol — thats too funny CM (or should I say bm?)

  5. Bob A commented on Mar 14

    And how about Barron’s? And the WSJ. Is there anybody who actually reads those tables?

  6. pete Preissle commented on Mar 14

    Amazing! After who knows how many years of publishing business news, the NYT has finally decided to provide “market analysis.”

    Should be interesting, since among the print and broadcast media, they will have a monopoly on that topic.

  7. lola commented on Mar 14

    Now if we could only get rid of all those endless movie listings….Not the paid ads-but all the redundant ones.

  8. GRL commented on Mar 14

    Yes, it’s true: the LA Times just recently stopped publishing stock tables. Of course, the tables they used to publish were worse than useless, and they stopped publishing business and financial news years ago.

    “All the News That Fits, We Print.”

  9. alex commented on Mar 14

    is anybody REALLY missing those endless tables? it seems to me more efficeint to run your portfolio through a computer than trying to find your stocks in the newspaper and add them all up figure out what the value of your stock was yesterday…so arcane.
    Well, there is progress at least here….

  10. cm commented on Mar 15

    No, Barry, it’s cm. I feel a bit bad making a cheap joke at me’s expense, but I couldn’t resist.

  11. danny boy commented on Mar 16

    i was wondering the same thing about the BARRONS tables — jesus, imagine if they axed those.

    parent DJ could use the cost savings. i always read barrons front to back, but tend to skip right over the tables…

    maybe, barrons could go half and half. use the cost savings, but maybe also use the new space to create a new column. Maybe barrons could have a BLOG ROUNDUP — where they cull and collate the best stock blog posts of the past week and include it there.

    I noticed that the “electronic investor” stopped covering blogs. Is it just me or is that column always repeating ish it said months ago.

    it’s dead, teresa!

    it still amuses me how much these wall street greybeards (and even some of these young cats who think they’re too smart or good to read mind blowing analysis from kids half their age) poop on blogs.

    *********Barry, if you are reading this, please go to this link. it is about a “spack” company related to apple. I know you’ve dissed spacks on this site before. I also don’t like them…. the link is:


    peace amigo!

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