Time for a mea culpa:
Last year, when Google entered the Blog Search Space, I wrote that it was Game Over for Technorati. I thought Google Blog Seach was going to eat their lunch, throw a ton of resources at blogs, and take over the space.
I was wrong.
Between the two, I find that Technorati gets links up quicker — sometimes, as much as 12 hours ahead of Google. Their coverage of the blogosphere seems broader, with Technorati often catching items that Google misses.
Google was so rarely offline, while Technorati so rarely functioned, I assumed that reliability level would continue to project foreward along those parameters. Instead, faced with Google’s making them potentially irrelevant, Technorati got its tech act together pretty quickly thereafter.
Between the two, I find myself relying on Technorati much more. Google Blog Search is still bookmarked, but it only gets used when Technorati is down — something occuring less and less.
If Technorati can come up with a viable, money making business model . . .
It’s Goggle that seems to NOT get its act together on the later offerings – just look at their Finance wannabe-Yahoo site. It couldn’t even come up with a quote for half the tickers I tried to put in!
Small Investor Chronicles
Lately Google seems to be throwing out more and more new half-assed offerings in the hope that one or two of them will “stick”.
Their lack of focus will hurt them eventually.
So true. That’s one of the things I’ve never bought into–that Google’s offerings are necessarily better because of the name. I use Google’s Blogger and GMail services, but some of the rest I’m less fond of.
Yahoo News beats Google News hands down as Alex suggests (because Yahoo still has an old-fashioned news editor). Yahoo’s Flickr photo service outdoes anything Google offers (though Yahoo did buy Flickr), and heresy of heresies, I personally like Yahoo search better than Google search. I prefer Yahoo messenger to Google’s instant messaging service, too.
Google has a good portfolio of products, but not all of them are industry standard-bearers. Now about that stock price, LOL…
Let me add:
WordPress and Moveable Type are beating Google’s Blogger.
YouTube provides a better video service than Google.
Google has Gmail and Suggestive Search.
Sure Google has Gmail, but Yahoo has Oddpost (possibly the best webbased app I’ve ever used–at least it was before Yahoo bought them).
That aside, I’m fascinated by seeing the differences between getting to market with the right offersing versus just releasing stuff fast.
Anyone care to name google’s “half-assed offerings” and what the results of their half-assedness have been?
Google Finance.
It won’t report prices on some NYSE-traded names. It has some foreign markets, but many fewer than it appears at first glance. Its news feeds are dicey. I could go on, but in short: it’s not a beta, it’s an alpha.
So bad, I “applied” for a product developer job there just so I could vent in my cover letter. It was fun.
David Sifry on Technorati and Entreprenuership
Google’s web search is great. Image search is not bad. Maps is OK (but not competitive with desktop apps such as Streets & Trips). Everything else I’ve tried is junk, IMO. I haven’t tried GMail.
It’d be great if companies could just stick to what they’re good at.