“Every Change of Rate”

“Every Change of Rate” is an utterly hysterical parody of the black & white Police video “Every Breath You Take,” as done by some Columbia Biz School students; Its an amusing take on the Ben Bernanke, the newly appointed Fed Chief.

My favorite bit are the lyrics during the second verse:

“First you move your lips,
Hike a few more bips,
When demand then dips,
And the Yield Curve Flips
I’ll be watching you”

Too funny!

click for Windows Media video


Its a bit harsh on Ben Bernanke, who after all has only been in
office for one FOMC meeting. Still, the overall effect is quite

Here’s the video source: Columbia.edu/students/follies


UPDATE: April 26, 2006 4:15pm

The WSJ’s Marketbeat was just as amused as I was by this:

Glenn Hubbard: King of Pain

Today’s best four minutes of the day: an uproarious parody of the Police’s “Every Breath You Take” by students at Columbia Business School, which purports to show the school’s dean, Glenn Hubbard — and, no, that is not Mr. Hubbard, the school confirms, but a look-alike student — taking Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to task for monetary policy mistakes (in a fit of jealousy over not getting the position). It’s hard to resist the charm of any attempt to poke at the Fed, especially one that includes the couplet “Hope your models break/bet that beard is fake.” The real Mr. Hubbard was traveling and could not be reached for comment.

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  1. JR commented on Apr 26

    Too Funny !! Thanks for sharing…

  2. Marshall’s Ghost commented on Apr 26

    Those aren’t B-school students. That’s Glen Hubbard Bush’s former CEA chairman!

  3. DBLWYO commented on Apr 26

    Weigh funny – clever, well-crafted, sophmoric. Makes me pine for Young Frankenstein.

    Pardon a moment of seriousness though – the Fed (nowadays since Volcker) does it’s level best to manage to neutrality around structural trends in the Economy and offset major problems. What would these guys propose instead – we’re caught in a slowing economy with demand exceeding supply of commodities slowly pushing thru the value-chain ? How do you fix that ?

    For their next trip into waving back the tide how ’bout gas prices ? Hearing and songs are gonna fix that as well ?


    p.s. what’re the chances for getting some songs that are reality based AND funny ?

  4. The Intangible Economy commented on Apr 26

    Feb parody video – or is it satire?

    The economics blog, The Big Picture: “Every Change of Rate”, has posted a link to a parody video by Columbia business students on Fed Chairman Bernanke, set to the Police tune “Every Breath You Take”. Here is the direct link…

  5. Fiat Lux commented on Apr 26

    Things you Learn in B-School

    Yesterday, I was chatting with a classmate who’s graduating in three weeks. She mentioned that even though her MBA is almost done, she really wasn’t sure what she’s actually learned. Obligatory snark about a couple of…

  6. South(west)paw commented on Apr 26

    policing bernanke

    Here’s a link to a funny music video called “Every change of rate” made by students at Columbia Business School. The video is a riff on the Police song “Every breath you take” and makes fun of Ben Bernanke for…

  7. Alexander A commented on Apr 26

    The lead performer’s name is Michael O’Rorke. MBA 2006.

  8. Junto Boyz commented on Apr 27


    HatTip to Lenny. My younger bro is a 2nd year at Columbia Business School, so he sent me a link to their follies show this year. Some people already picked up on it with the big one being The Wall Street Journal’s MarketBeat:

  9. Emmanuel commented on Apr 27

    I like this line from the parody, for it reminds me a lot about the discussions here about M3 going away:

    Since you came supply’s lost without a trace

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