3 quick comments

NOTE:  This Trading alert was originally emailed to subscribers at Ritholtz Research & Analytics on FRI 9/22/2006 3:05 PM EDT.

This is posted here not as investing advice, but
rather as an example of a trading call for potential subscribers. We
expect to post future advisories in a similar manner — after the call,
but in the correct chronological location on the blog.

3 quick comments to send you off to the weekend:

1st, look at both the What We Are Watching and the Whither
commentaries from this
morning. They should give you a strong insight into Macro economic environment,
and the market’s technical situation.

2nd, a quick update on the Special Situation
stock is filed under Technical & Stock Review;

3rd, a couple of housekeeping items:

We are making two upgrades over the
weekend: First, we are moving to a
dedicated server. This should allow us to handle more traffic and generate more
reliable up time.

Second, as an added precaution, we are setting up an auto
mirror. I don’t know how it works, but in the event the dedicated server goes
down, this backup (located across the universe from the original server) steps
in and puts up an identical copy of the site. I don’t know how this works, but
I am told it makes losing the site very very rare. (Notice no one says

Have a good weekend



22, 2006

Posted Under