Neil Young Live at Massey Hall

I haven’t heard this new CD/DVD yet, but the reviews are great, and the live version below is outstanding: Live at Massey Hall.

Neil Young


I saw CSNY this summer — great show.

More Neil vids after the jump . . .

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  1. wnsrfr commented on Apr 17

    Thanks for the heads-up, I ordered this and the Live at Filmore…I love this guy. Definition of Artist…

  2. Ralph commented on Apr 17

    one of my top five concerts ever includes CSN 20 years ago.

    I get to hear Neil every couple of years. he lives around here and does a big annual benefit concert.

    Good Choice!

  3. sheriff commented on Apr 17

    I’m a big fan of Neil. One of my first albums I bought was “Time Fades Away”, a very hard to find album. This a live album with totally new material at the time. Classic stuff.

  4. brion commented on Apr 17

    i was a HUGE Neil fan when i was a kid….My first girlfriend even Crotcheted the Harvest album cover on the back of an ivory colored cowboy shirt (with pearl buttons which i still own) for me.

    Massey era Neil is, and will always be the real Neil Young to me. (i consider On The Beach to be his last great album)

  5. Eclectic commented on Apr 17


    I bet that hurt like hell.

  6. Eclectic commented on Apr 17

    Just kiddin’ brion,

    …But, it’s going to take me several days to get rid of the mental picture.

  7. Craig commented on Apr 17

    Eclectic, my dear friend, click on your first link and then the two year chart of said treasuries.

    Now dear friend, draw a straight line across the ASCENDING lows from the lower left to the upper right.

    I will grant it is not a strong trend, but it is inexorably heading to the upper right, regardless of any attempt on your part to try and stunt Bondie’s growth by making her fit in your little view.

    You do not have to be a major technician to see this chart for what it is.
    Don’t write about simple stuff like spelling bees and finger painting. With Bondie in your care we expect more. Write us with major news like Bondie daring to hit the bottom trend line. Like that is going to happen. THAT would be news.
    That would be a change in the trend.

    Since this thread is about Neil, let me say I have ALL his records, Time Fades Away is a great one. Sure the old stuff is LP but in perfect condition and some I replaced on CD. For those harking back to the old days you might give Greendale a listen.

    Eclectic, Roy is legend, but Neil is a miner for a heart of gold. Does Bondie really have a heart of gold?

  8. brion commented on Apr 18

    “Leave the Driving To Us”. Yea. That’s a goodie. He’s had other occasional gems like, “Fuckin’ Up” “Cortez the Killer”, “Revolution Blues” or what have you, but nothing as consistently brilliant as “After The Goldrush” ” Harvest” or “Tonight’s The Night”.

    He lost me around Tron pretty much.
    Still, “Long May He Run”

  9. Eclectic commented on Apr 18

    Craig, I think you picked up some funny stuff in Marekeesh, and I suppose it’s part of the reason you don’t have your upper right… right.

    Actually Bondie’s not too impressed with your upper right either. She says she’s seen that part of the map and, well, she put it this way: “I want to live… I want to give… I’m getting old searching for a heart of gold… I’m getting old, I’m getting old, I’m getting old….” And then I have to tap her and bring her back. I think she got into some of the Marakeesh stuff herself.

    She wasn’t too impressed with C.S.N.’s Blackbird either. She says take a listen to some “Silver Morning” and a good “Blackbird:”

    And then just basically… chill:

  10. Eclectic commented on Apr 18

    Sorry for the incorrect spelling. Would that be “Marakesh?” or “Marakeesh?”

    Could somebody Blackberry me with the answer?… I’m in no hurry.

  11. wnsrfr commented on Apr 18

    Barry, if it was CSNY in Camden, NJ, July 6, 2006, I’m downloading that concert from and can get it to you as good quality MP3’s if you’re interested. Legal, too :)

  12. Craig commented on Apr 18

    Freakin’ Kenny Rankin? No wonder you can’t read a chart!

    And, I did NOT inhale.

    Dude, if you put all your gold on that line, it would roll down and left.

    The trend is up no matter what Kenny Rankin says.

    If you need a tinyurl to find a better chart let me know. They are available.

    Let Bodie out of the box today. It won’t keep her from growing to 5.25

    Kenny Rankin?…..what next?

  13. james commented on Apr 18

    I am a Neil freak and own all his albums. I believe Live at Massey is the best live solo acoustic album in his library – even better than 4 Way Street with CSNY (which is an all-time great album).

    MTV Unplugged was good but not THIS good. Getting to hear some of the lost treasures off of Time Fades Away is a joy for those of us who wish the album would finally be re-released on CD.

  14. Eclectic commented on Apr 18

    I’ll THANK YOU Craig to get Bondie’s name right! She is no Bodie.

    And, whether gold rolls uphill or downhill or round’n round don’t make no never mind to Bondie.

    Craig, I think yore upper right is a little trembly, I recken.

  15. Eclectic commented on Apr 18


    Yore upper right ain’t even back to where I dog-cussed Barringo into cleanin’ up his chikken suit:

    I know one thing… If I didn’t know where my upper right was, I’d be mighty cautious before pro-ceedin’ with the majority of my bodily functions… and at least 3 especially namely ones, I must say.

    And, I’m sorry if a tiny url offends you, but I wouldn’t focus on the Fru-frow, uh… feud, huh… the Fre-d-ud-huh-eun… well, you know… the psychological short-comins of the suggestion, don’tchee know.

  16. Craaig commented on Apr 18

    Please accept my sincerest apologies Mr. Eclectic for both my spelling and my timeframe. I made a mistake when I told you to hit the number 2. We don’t want number 2 to happen. No, I meant number 5 on the site you are using. You know, the longer view of where Bondie is going.
    Yahoo doesn’t appear to like #3 or #4 either. So here is a regular url (because size matters)to a better chart and an explanation so you understand the care and feeding of your new pet Bondie:

    In the short view you are right, she appears to be a total retard, but when you stand back just a few years you can see the girl has been growing since around June 03 and so far hasn’t stopped with the exception of the last few days when she got back on the pipe again. We’ll see how long that lasts and if she hits bottom (the trendline on the above chart). Looks like she is at her MA too, we’ll see what happens.

  17. Eclectic commented on Apr 19


    I’m amusing myself reading our communications and playin’ like I’m from Mars and only tuned in just to get the low-down on earth style economics.

    Now, where else but on The Big Pic could a self-respectin’ Marsian get: humor, erudite commentary, Barrigonian insights, Kudlownian expose, culture, philosophy, ground-breakin’ macroeconomic theory, music (rhapsodic and ordinary), news, trivia, a 5-star link parade… and a Murrowesque potpourri of opinion… all tossed in with an occasional advanced dash of AA wordsmanship?… Hmmm?

    And, let’s not forget the “Eclectic Comments Well Worth It.”

  18. Craig commented on Apr 19

    You know, Bernstein was brilliant. That’s a good one.

    Minor note: Don’t piss off the aliens. They like it spelled Martians. Who knew?

    Yes, I noticed that chart this morning. And you can see exactly where Bondie started low riding with Cheech and Chong a few days ago too. Right there at that top… I was out and about last weekend and I think I saw Bondie with her cruising low-rider buddies at the park. Their ford was so low that the pan would hit if they went too fast. Looks like they torched the springs some more today. Hope she doesn’t get a flat, the jack won’t fit under her rig.
    When the pan hits the street I’m going to worry about oil leaks. Until then I’m listening to War and Bondies awesome subwoofer. “Take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip to see….”

  19. Eclectic commented on Apr 19

    Thanks Craig,

    I’m a terrible speller. Funny, but I think I may have never written the word “Martian” until in that piece.

    It still looks funny though… like spelled that way it ought be be said as “mart-e-in.” Well, all I know is they’re a bunch of bad mama-jammas, but they’re poor macroeconomists.

  20. FredZ commented on Apr 22

    Neil Young used to be my hero when I was younger. Then Neil decided to jump on the Bush band wagon and I lost alot of respect for the author of “Ohio”. I hear he has lately found his mind again and is now against Bush and the war. I hate to see icons waffle on such important issues. What happened to the old Neil?

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