SIRE Presentation: Music, Media & Markets



I am giving a presentation at the Princeton Club tomorrow for SIRESociety for the Investigation of Recurring Events.

Recur_3The topic: What do MP3s, Blogs and Online Trading have to do with each other? The
Attention Driven Economy, and its impact on EVERYTHING from Media to
Music to Markets.

It is open to the public, and should be interesting. After a 25 minute discussion, we will open up for questions and answers.

Date:  Tuesday,
May 15, 2007
Place:  Princeton
Club, 15 West 43rd St., Manhattan, 4th Floor
Time:  6:00 PM – Please try to arrive by 5:30 PM.

Registration: Send an email stating intention to attend to:

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  1. Fred commented on May 14

    Cool Barry, you seem particularly well qualified for this discussion. Will you give us a synopsis after the talk?

    Good luck

  2. Ian commented on May 14

    Would love to attend if I lived in NY. I assume you’ll be posting bits and pieces from the exchange, won’t you?

  3. Greg Feirman commented on May 14

    Fascinating topic. Will you post your notes or presentation?

  4. Florida commented on May 14

    And I also saw where you’re participating in TPMCafe’s book club discussion of Daniel Gross’s book, Barry. You’re becoming a franchise. Awesome!

  5. Winston Munn commented on May 14

    Try not to get gravy on your tie before it’s you turn to speak.

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