$640,188? I’m ready to hit the that bid!

I know we’ve mentioned this before, but Dane Calrson’s fun little applet that uses Technorati’s API to calculate linkage and display a blog’s new worth using the same link to dollar ratio as the AOL-Weblogs deal.

This makes it pretty clear that — Surprise! — AOL likely overpaid for their acquisition.


My blog is worth $640,188.36.
How much is your blog worth?

I’m still waiting for someone to make me an offer . . .

Via Dane Carlson

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  1. metroplexual commented on Jun 8

    So does this mean I can look forward to higher rates on CDs?

  2. Robert Cote commented on Jun 8

    No, sir Mr. R, it might very well indicate that your blog is vastly undervalued. Just because the AOL/Weblogs purchase was a bad deal does not speak to real values out there in Cyberland. Seeing as my blog is incorrectly “worth” nearly 1/20th of yours I can safely say your efforts are undermonetized.

  3. wally commented on Jun 8

    I bid $12.50

  4. Richard A. commented on Jun 8

    link to dollar ratio? that’s all most worse then eyeballs.

  5. 123 commented on Jun 8

    Ha ha ha. Like housing market because you think you blog is worth 600,000 does not mean you can sell for same. Show you what importance metric is to value. Value is what people will buy product for not what they say product worth.

  6. Nova Law commented on Jun 9

    Will you take a check?


    BR: As long as it clears!

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